Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd  Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd


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Interview to Shandong Xiong Feng from Jp Balancing Machine

时间:2016-06-03 02:20:21 点击数:517
We offer individual solutions on the basis of a wide range of products and services, including balancing of rotating parts and measurement and analysis of vibrations .
Below is an  interview to Shandong Xiong Feng from Jp Balancing Machine .

I just wanted to let you know that we really appreciated Jp Balancing Machines's service. He came in on time, got the job done quickly and professionally, and answered any questions we asked during the calibration. He also provided us with some good training about the balancers' capabilities and how best to set our parts up, and also what not to do on the balancers. He covered all the areas we wanted to cover, and was able to thoroughly answer questions that came up during the session."
Mr Zhang
Shandong Xiong Feng Co., Ltd

If car engines, aircraft turbines or PC hard disks softly purr, for sure a Jp 
balancing machine or a Jp balancing instrument has been at work. With 
diligent vibration diagnosis and high-tech vibration technology we at Jp ensure by applying balancing that our world vibrates less.
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