Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd  Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd


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Balancing and spin test service near you

时间:2016-04-08 11:57:01 点击数:644
Have you a problem with your rotors? Deadlines are tight, quality needs improving and you don't have a suitable balancing machine, no overspeed test stand? Our trained employees have the experience needed to economically and precisely balance or safety jolt all types of rotors. Even supposed problem cas
  • Balancing of cylindrical and disc-shaped rotors up to a weight of 40,000 kg on state of the horozontal balancing machines.
  • Balancing elastic rotors at or close to the normal operating speed using computer-aided methods
  • High-precision balancing with maximum quality grades
  • Balancing of individual parts, prototypes and series
  • Routine testing of master bodies (measuring equipment in the meaning of ISO 9001) and issue of an acceptance inspection certificate to DIN EN 10204
  • Determination of the moment of turbine and power plant blade up to 2 kgm
  • Spinning rotors with a weight of up to 400 kg at speeds of up to 3,000 min -1
  • Advice on all balancing issues, balancing machine rental
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