Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd  Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd


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Training with students about balancing machines

时间:2016-03-16 11:15:09 点击数:643
Today we hosted students from shanghai universiry. We believe in training young minds and investing in the next generation. Therefore, 34 high school students visited our headquarters for a unique educational approach that went beyond the classroom. The experience was mutually beneficial. It offered students the chance to see how a real-life company works, and allowed us to lead activities that hopefully opened the students’ minds to the varied options for careers in technology.


Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of dynamic balancing machine, which is high-tech technology enterprises of Optical-electro-mechanical Integration, The high-tech business entity composed of scientific and technical personnel who have devoted to the design,development and manufacturing of balance machines for many years as well as the backbone elite with abundant experience


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