Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd  Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd


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Frequently Asked Questions on Dynamic Balancing Machines and

时间:2016-03-04 11:10:19 点击数:753
1).Q. In Dynamic Balancing do we need to support the component on the machine in the same location as in assembly?
A. Yes it is necessary to support the component being balanced at the same or near about of the bearing supports for proper results. Dynamic balancing is a force balancing and couple balancing Operation. The couple is the product of force and the distance to the point of support. So it is essential that the real life conditions are replicated on the balancing machines.
(2).Q. In Dynamic Balancing Machine do we need to run the component being balanced to operating speed/service speed?
A. Using a dynamic balancing machine we measure the unbalance in the units of gram millimeter. The quality and sensitivity of balancing Machine decides the speed at which you can balance a Component. In modern hard Bearing dynamic balancing Machines Engineers are able to measure the un balance at relatively lower Speeds. The unbalance corrections effected are valid for most of The service speed requirements of rigid rotors. Refer to the ISO 1940 standards to determine the residual un balance permitted in rigid rotors.
(3).Q. What are rigid rotors?
A. The rotors which do not change shape when speed of rotation Increases, or the ones which do not operate at resonant frequency, are classified as rigid rotors.
(4).Q. What are flexible rotors?
A. Flexible rotors are rotors which operate near their resonant frequency. This running of motor generates very slight deformation of the rotor. Flexible rotors need to be balanced at higher speeds and also near their service speeds. Many times, in situ balancing is required to achieve desired results.
(5).Q. What are soft bearing dynamic balancing machines and hard bearing dynamic balancing machines?
A. Few decades back, when balancing machines were introduced, the cradle on which the rollers were supported needed to be moved to measure the vibration levels due to unbalance. With the advent of technology and introduction of quartz transducers to measure force, it is no longer required for the cradles to oscillate to measure vibration.
The machines which continued to have oscillating cradles and electro dynamic picups to measure vibration were classified as soft bearing machines.
The machines which had rigid cradles devoid of any movement and measure force using piezo or other picups are classified as hard bearing dynamic balancing machines.
The basic design philosophy of hard bearing dynamic balancing machines is measuring force and the advancement of computational mathematics using microprocessors has enabled introduction of balancing machines whose calibrations are valid for the complete range of speeds, weights and quality requirements.
The algorithm used facilitates permanent calibration and host of other features for day to day use and extreme reliability




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