Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd  Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd


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Train Traction Motor Dynamic Balancing machine

时间:2024-05-15 17:21:35 点击数:106

Train Traction Motor Dynamic Balancing machine

Horizontal balancing machine with hear bearing supports for balancing mass rotors up to 20000 kg, with end drive system and JP-580/820/800  computerized instrumentation. The machine is equipped with a variable speed motor which allows to balance up to a speed of 5000 RPM. The machine is suitable for balancing rotors of electric motors of medium and large dimensions at operating speed.

Categories: Railway, Aerospace, Balancing machine with horizontal axis, Balancing machines special purpose, Big electric motors to be balanced at high speed, Horizontal axis, Industrial construction, Manual, Traction motor rotors, Weight from 500 to 20000 kg

Tags: Balancing machines, Big electric motors to be balanced at low speed, Horizontal balancing machines, Manual balancing, Special balancing machines, Traction motor rotors


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