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JP Balancing Machines 2024 Year-end Party Highlights Replay

时间:2024-01-24 23:49:49 点击数:156

JP Balancing Machines 2024 Year-end Party Highlights Replay

This is the time for JP people to reunite once again,

It's the time for us to celebrate the harvest,

This year, there are sweat, tears,

excitement, joy...

Let's commemorate our 2023 with a grand ceremony



JP Balancing Machines 2024 year-end party took the Year of the Dragon as the main style, and a variety of activities such as draw lots and prize draw were prepared for all the staff at the sign-in site.

New Year’s speech


CEO Mr. Wang Jin affirmed the record performance in 2023, and explained the layout and strategy of Shanghai Jianping in the future on the current global macro situation and the opportunities and challenges it faces, as well as pointed out our new direction. It is believed that under the right leadership, we will brave the wind and waves and reach a new high.

Prize draw



The thriving business of Shanghai Jianping is inseparable from the efforts and sweat of every employee, and these excellent colleagues and teams are the biggest driving force for Jianping to go forward. Their unity, enthusiasm, perseverance and no regrets are the example of all Jianping people!


Looking back at 2023, we forge ahead with full harvest!

Looking forward to 2024, we ride the wind and waves to create new glory!

Dear family, let’s meet again next year!

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