Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd  Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd


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The 2th Balancing Machine Training Seminar of Shanghai Jianp

时间:2015-04-14 15:34:52 点击数:572
A lot of the problems experienced in balancing stem from the lack of understanding with the subject, this can lead to lower than expected production volumes or can even result in rotors not being balanced correctly - resulting in a poor quality product.
Training can be provided on Jp Balancing premises or at a location of the customer’s choice and can be delivered in a classroom or one to one environment on the actual machine


Training programme
       ■ Principle of balancing machines
       ■ Balancing Machine Theory
       ■ Balancing Grade & Unbalance amount confirmation
       ■ How to choose the balancing machine
       ■ Balancing Machine accuracy test methods
       ■ Typical rotor balancing
       ■ Troubleshooting
       ■ Explaining for Measuring systems
       ■ Learning and explain balancing machines on-site operation


Training time
29.04 ---29.04.2015
Sign Up
Registration Time
08:30 AM--- 29.04 2015
Yihe Hotel .TongTai Road, Baiyun District,Guangzhou, China
Training Objects
For those who are using balancing machines,Management,Technical staff
We provide free training materials,practice equipment and venues,working meal,If you are interested to participate in our training courses,Please contact us
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